Top 10 Crafts as a Raft Beginner

Starting out on Raft might feel a little overwhelming. You start out on what is essentially a tiny piece of wood with no materials or facilities to survive with. Just you and your trusty hook. With that in mind it’s very important to know what to prioritize, here are 10 items that will heavily aid you starting out!

  1. Scrap Hook

The first and thankfully guaranteed item to have on your journey is the Scrap Hook. This will be your primary tool for harvesting resources and crafting your other items.

2. Spear

The Spear is a fantastic starting item to craft as a means of defending yourself from the dangers that await you. Also we should probably mention the very angry and hungry shark that likes to nibble parts of your Raft off time to time. The Spear is a useful way to push the shark away and save your Raft.

3. Paddle

The Paddle early on is a great tool to start directing your Raft with more general control to reach places like Islands or perhaps a just out of reach barrel.

4. Fishing Rod

As you can imagine, the Fishing Rod is used to, you guessed it - catch fish! Keeping your hunger in check is always important to survive.

5. Simple Grill

You are going to want to make the most of the fish you caught. To do so much like in real life you will have to prepare the fish by cooking and then consuming! Simply throw the fish onto the Grill, get some planks under the fire and you’re eating well in no time!

6. Building Hammer

Without a Building Hammer, you will quickly find yourself running out of space as you attempt to build and improve your situation. With the Building Hammer you can expand your raft with additional walls, floors, doors and pillars.

7. Cup

Yes, a Cup. A short and sweet tool for the sole purpose of collecting salt water in the attempts to purify it, making it safe to drink and keep yourself hydrated, or even water crops.

8. Purifier

To go with the Cup, you will need a Purifier to begin generating safe, drinkable water. This is essential to your survival. Simply use the Cup to collect seawater, pop it into the Purifier and you’ll be hydrated in no time!

9. Research Table

The Research Table provides you a huge amount of new goodies to discover and craft. Using the table will essentially be your upgrade path for many existing tools and stations. Make sure you have a Research Table up and running as soon as possible!

10. Storage Box

The Storage Box is self-explanatory. You will be wanting a couple of these early on as your inventory space is not ideal starting out and you will start getting congested by an overflow of items. Save yourself the struggle of deciding what to keep and discard with storage!

Hopefully, using these top 10 items as a guide to the early game will grant you the survival success you are looking for! For more tips check out our top 3 tips for Raft Beginners

Each update some new item crafts may be added to the game. We will try and keep this list as up to date as possible. If you have any suggestions, please let us know on Discord.



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