Fishing in Raft Guide 101

Playing Raft includes a range of distinctive survival elements. But, as a game that focuses on survival in a tropical location riddled with countless islands and lagoons, it is no wonder that fishing is a big part of it. In this fishing guide, we will help you understand the basics of fishing, starting with the first steps and going all the way to advanced elements of catching and Cooking fish. Here is all that you need to know about fishing in Raft.

Fishing in Raft

Getting the Fishing Rod

The process of fishing begins with the Research Table and the unlocking your Fishing rod. To unlock the Rod you need 1 Rope and 1 Plank. From there on out, players need to learn the recipe for the starting Fishing Rod. To make this essential tool for fishing, 8 Rope, and 6 Planks are needed. Later, a Metal Fishing Rod needs 1 Bolt, 8 Rope, and 3 Scrap. Having either of these makes you ready to do some fishing!

Fishing Rod
Metal Fishing Rod

The Process of Fishing in Raft

With a Fishing Rod, players simply need to stand anywhere near the water and left-click to cast your line. The same command reels the fish in once it is caught and the line gets a few tugs.

Fishing Bait is also important but it comes into play later on in the game. You can get fishing bait from the Trading Posts. However, the basic mechanic of line casting and reeling will still result in plentiful supplies of fish.

Types of Fish in Raft

There is a range of fish species in the Raft game and this fishing guide will cover the ones accessible in the early parts of the game.

In the open ocean, players can catch Catfish, Herring, Tilapia, Mackerel, Pomfret, and Salmon. Shark Bait uses Herring and Pomfret, making these is very important, but you can also use them for Cooking.

Tilapia and Mackerel can be cooked on a fire, while Catfish and Salmon need an Advanced Grill to be turned into food. To make one, you will need Metal Ingots and Nails. Besides these species of fish such as the Poison-Puffer, there are others in the game that will be unlocked through the exploration process. But, even those will be accessible thanks to a study Fishing Rod.

Catfish Cooking

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