How to Navigate in Raft

Raft is a unique survival game taking place in the sea where the players have to withstand the harsh and unforgiving nature of the ocean in order to survive on their own. Consider yourself in the role of a person stuck in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by water from all four directions, with no land as far as the eye can see and scarce resources, survival would not be easy in such conditions.

Navigation in Raft is essential for the player to stay alive in order to find Islands where plenty of resources can be harvested. There is an item in the game, thankfully, that helps you to navigate your way to the random Islands that are spawned in the game throughout the treacherous waters. We have made a complete guide on how to resource navigation-related items and how to make them worthy of your use effectively. Read below to find out.

What do You Need for Navigation in Raft?

  • Receiver

  • Antennas

  • Battery

  • Streamer

  • Sail

Crafting a Receiver in Raft

The receiver is used to locate nearby radio signals as evident by the name itself. Now for crafting a Receiver, you have to craft a Research Table at first using 14 Planks, and 2 Scraps. Afterward, look for floating barrels in the ocean which you can collect with the help of your Collecting Net or with the Plastic Hook, one of the barrels might contain the Receiver’s Blueprint.

Now after obtaining the Receiver’s Blueprint, you will proceed to use the Research Table and follow the instructions for crafting the Receiver which are:

  • Six Plastic

  • 8 Planks

  • 2 Circuit Boards

  • 1 Hinge

After the Receiver is crafted, place it one or two floors high for the best results, place the battery in its spot and the Receiver is complete just that the Antennas are left now. The receiver has 2 different colored dots to show locations.

Green: These dots show Large Islands where you would find a houseful of loot but at the cost of deadly animals lurking around.

Blue: Shows frequency islands where all the quests happen. These quests will only come within reach after you enter the corresponding code.

The Antennas

You need three Antennas for the Receiver to function properly. The crafting process is similar, once you have acquired the blueprint, craft the Antennas, and place them in the required order.

The requirements for Antennas are:

  • Four Scraps

  • One Bolt

  • One Circuit Board

The Antennas must be two foundations away from the Receiver and preferably, on the same floor. If you place them too close, the Receiver will let you know which Antenna is close so you can replace it. Keep in mind that the battery runs the Receiver for about more than 8 minutes so don’t keep the Receiver on all the time.

Useful tips: The Receiver has a scanning radius of 1250m but the dot is only visible within 1000m.

The Receiver locates the Large Islands and quests much faster in comparison with sailing blindly. You will be in need of the blueprints at first, but locating an island is not a handful job once you make the Receiver and the Antennas work properly.

Streamer and Sail

Used to show the direction the raft will follow when it is moving on its own without a paddle, sail, or engines. The Streamer is set in a definite direction and it never changes.

Sail on the other hand nudges you in the right direction if you use it in the correct manner. You can craft both Sail and Streamer as guided by the Research Table

Items to Make Navigation Easier

Engine: Allows the player to go in different directions much faster.

Steering Wheel: The steering wheel allows you to alter the raft’s sailing direction and makes it sail against the wind if desired. You can easily turn the raft around with the Steering Wheel as well.

Paddle: You can manually sail the raft in whatever direction you wish with the Paddle along with its main function being able to dislodge the raft upon reaching the edge of any island when the wind would not allow a straight path with the Sail.

Throwable and Stationary Anchors: These Anchors let you anchor your raft as evident by the name.

The guide has mentioned all the necessary and bonus items if the player desires to go on his quest to search for Islands across the vast waters of the game. Raft is a very creative game and lets the players pave their road to survival in their own creative ways. If you keep wandering, you will eventually come across an Island that blesses you with an insane number of loots. Heads up, keep strolling Rafters!


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