Different Game Modes in Raft

Raft is a survival game that presents players with five difficulty modes. The four difficulty modes are Peaceful, Easy, Normal, Hard, and a Creative mode. Every game mode has a different value for Hunger, Thirst, and Damage Taken Multiplier. There is a difference between encountering aggressive enemies and shark attacks in different game modes. While in other game modes, the environment will be more relaxed!

We have put together 5 Top Beginner Tips if you need a helping hand!

Creative Mode

This game mode allows you to explore more about building stuff than survival instincts. You don't have to hustle for supplies in this game mode, as you get unlimited materials and supplies to craft anything you want. As the thirst and hunger gauges deplete too fast in this game, you don't have to worry about these indicators in the Creative Mode. You can spawn rare animals at your will and grow plants quickly.

Your raft will be static in the ocean, and you don't have to worry about it when you leave it on an island. You don't have to worry about shark attacks or seagull attacks on your crop. While playing, if you switch to a Creative Mode, you get to keep your items, but the islands and oceans become inaccessible. Thus, Creative Mode allows you to enjoy limitless supplies and health, so you can do things that are not possible in other Game Modes.

Peaceful Mode

This Mode presents a peaceful surrounding as you can be carefree from enemy attacks. Seagulls won't attack your growing crops, and sharks won't damage your ship's foundation. You can kill Poison-Puffer without them exploding themselves. Screechers (The Big Birds) are hard to kill as they don't attack multiple times in this Game Mode. Sharks in the ocean will ignore you and will not cause harm to you or your raft. With all the enemy threats removed, achievements are comfortably unlockable.

Easy Mode

The Easy Mode presents low difficulty and less effort to maintain hunger and thirst gauges. You don't have to worry about dying because you don't lose your inventory items after respawning. The Shark inflicts lesser damage as compared to Normal Mode.

Every 8 minutes, you can expect a Shark attack. The thirst gauge takes 25 minutes to drain, while the hunger gauge takes 31 minutes to drain.

Normal Mode

The Normal Mode is comparatively more difficult than Easy Mode. In this Mode, you lose your inventory if you die. But you can get to keep your items if your friend saves you by taking you to the bed.

Every 5 minutes, you can expect a Shark to attack your raft's foundation. The thirst gauge takes 15 minutes, and the hunger gauge takes 18 minutes to drain.

Hard Mode

It is the most punishing Mode of the game. In this Mode, you can't respawn by yourself, but you need a friend to put you in the bed for respawning. You will experience a greater number of Sharks and more Shark health. This Mode reduces your damaging capability while increasing your enemy's capability. Three hits from the Shark, and you will die. Every 2 minutes, you can expect a Shark attack. The thirst gauge drains in 10 minutes, while the hunger gauge takes 14 minutes.


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